Collection of Research
In 2010, the Kahnawake Library along with community supporters completed three workshops to determine the community’s vision for the library. The workshops concluded that the library be the main research center that houses all Kahnawake’s history. Since then, the library has been actively collecting, scanning and entering documentation on Kahnawake including:
- A collection of books, magazines, newspapers on the Oka Crisis
- A collection of documentation on the Seaway and the Quebec Bridge
- Kahnawake’s published writers
- All copies of the Eastern Door
- History of the Mohawk Choir
- New and old books in Kanien’keha
- History of the St. Francis Xavier Mission
A holder of history

Books on the Kanien’keha language
Examples of materials:
Below you will find examples of materials we have at the library. We have much more so come in to have a look for yourself! Please let us know if there is a study or publication that you think should be added to our collection! Questions? We would love to help!

Kahnawake, A Mohawk Look at Canada and Adventures of Big John Canadian. 1985. Johnny Beauvais.
This collection includes photographs, history and memories about Kahnawake.
And Grandma Said…Iroquois Teachings as Passed Down Through the Oral Tradition. 2008. Tom Porte
Traditional teachings about the history, culture and earth based spirituality of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois).
The Kahnawake Mohawks and the St. Lawrence Seaway. McGill University. 2000. Stephanie Phillips.
This thesis examines factionalism in the community at the time of construction and memories about the river and illustrates how this event informs the present political identity of the community.
Teiethinonhwera:tonsne Ononhkwa’shon:a Kahnawake Environment Office.
A compilation of local medicinal plants and their uses.
Child Targeted Assimilation: An Oral History of Indian Day School Education in Kahnawake. 2019. Concordia University. Wahehshon Shiann Whitebean.
This thesis seeks out the oral histories and experiences at Indian Day Schools of four Kanien’keha:ka elders from Kahnawake.