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Finding Joy by Tara White

Author: Tara White

Niawenhkó:wa to Tara White for donating her new book to the Kahnawake Library.

“Joy’s fondest childhood memories are of sitting on her gramma’s lap learning to drum, to speak Mohawk, and to be a storyteller. When she lost her gramma and her connection to her Mohawks roots when she was eight, Joy used her stories to keep her gramma close to her heart. Years later, with a husband and triplets, Joy slowly gives up pieces of herself to take care of her family, including becoming her husband’s full-time caregiver as a mysterious illness overtakes his body. Shortly after his death, her daughters move away for school, and Joy finds herself with no one to take care of for the first time in almost two decades.

Lost and alone, Joy turns to television and social media to mask her pain. Following an intervention by her daughters, Joy slowly embarks on a journey of self-discovery to heal her heart and find her true self again.”

Finding Joy by Tara White | Kahanwake